故手塚会長の言葉 (Word of Kaicho Tezuka)

            私はこのグループに誇りと愛情を持っています。I am proud of this group.

  • 大山総裁没後の状況の中で私を含む5人の支部長がご遺族とともに遺言書についての裁判を行いました。そしていつの間にかその集まりのまとめ役を務めていました。1997年11月に千葉で行われた大会に出席したハンガリーの支部長の名刺に初めて手塚グループの名称が使われていました。
  • 私はその時、まだその名称では活動していませんでした。その後多くの変化の中で海外関係者から手塚グループとしての活動の必要性を求められました。After President Mas Oyama (founder of Kyokushin Karate) passed away, the five of us branch chiefs filed a lawsuit in court challenging the validity of his will with his family. When we were doing so, I was becoming their facilitator.and a head of those people. November 1997, we had a tournament in Chiba, Japan. One of branch chief from Hungary had a business card which showed the title "Tezuka Group" , it was even before my activity started as Tezuka Group. Since then, many people from oversees requested the activity as Tezuka Group.
  •     今、我々は手塚グループの名のもとに活動を発展させています。このグループは一つの家族的な絆で結ばれています。私は社会を構成している一番小さな社会は家庭・家族だと考えています。
  • 従って、このグループは家庭。家族を大切に考える人々の集団でありたいと思うのです。
  • 私は多くの国々を訪問します。そこに、多くの家庭・家族を見ます。
  • 勿論、海外の人々の考えは日本とは異なります。何故ならば、システムが違うからです。
  • 多くの人々は何回か結婚します。離婚も結婚も珍しいことでは有りません。
  • しかし、そのような状況の中で子供たちは幸せなのでしょうか?
  • 日本でも別姓の議論が始まっています。しかし、まだ結婚して一つの戸籍で生活が保たれています。
  • ある国では子供が出来ても結婚しないケースが多く見られます。私はそれでも日本人的な発想でみんなと接します。2番目の子供を授かって結婚する人も実際に出ています。
  • 私はシステムが違っても親が自分の子供を慈しみ育てることの大切さを伝えたいのです。
  • 家庭の中にあるのは大切な教育であり、子供に対する躾はそこ以外にないとさえ考えています。
  • しかし、多くの問題の結果で離婚もあり得ることも認めています。
  • 子供たちが幸せであることのための選択が決定の重要な点ではないでしょうか?
  • 社会が荒れます。
  • 家庭生活の乱れはその中の一つの原因でだと思います。どうぞ、自分の一番近くにいる家族を愛してください。貴方を最後まで見ているのは家族であることに感謝して。これが我々の活動の理念です。
  • 家族は常に対話しそして信頼し理解と尊敬で結ばれるべき存在でありたいと希望しています。
  • Now we are developing our activities under the name of Tezuka Group.
  • This group is formed as the one family bond.
  • I think the smallest society that makes up society is home and family.
  • Therefore, this group is home. I want to be a group of people who value my family.
  • I visit many countries. There, we see many families and visiting their home.
  • Of course, the thoughts of overseas people are different from Japan.
  • Because the system and traditions are different.
  • Many people get married several times. Divorce and marriage are not unusual.
  • But are children happy in such a situation?
  • Discussions on different surnames have begun in Japan.
  • However, the most of them still married and keep their lifes in one family register.
  • In a certain country, there are many cases where couples do not get married.
  • I still treat everyone with Japanese ideas.
  • Some people get married after the second child was born.
  • I want to convey the importance of parenting and raising my child, even if the system is different.
  • In the home is important education, even if there is no other discipline for children.
  • However, we acknowledge that divorce may be possible due to many problems.
  • Isn't the decision to make a choice for children to be happy?
  • Society become rough.
  • Now we are developing our activities under the name of Tezuka Group.
    This group is formed as the one family bond.
    I think the smallest society that makes up society is home and family.
    Therefore, this group is home. I want to be a group of people who value my family.
    I visit many countries. There, we see many families and visiting their home.
    Of course, the thoughts of overseas people are different from Japan.
    Because the system and traditions are different.
    Many people get married several times. Divorce and marriage are not unusual.
    But are children happy in such a situation?
    Discussions on different surnames have begun in Japan.
    However, I am still married and keep my life in one family register.
    In a certain country, there are many cases where children do not get married.
    I still treat everyone with Japanese ideas.
    Some people get married after the second child was born.
    I want to convey the importance of parenting and raising my child, even if the system is different.
    In the home is important education, even if there is no other discipline for children.
    However, we acknowledge that divorce may be possible due to many problems.
    Isn't the decision to make a choice for children to be happy?
    Society is rough.









Good Conversation in Your Family