Student Guide

How to start to learn Kyokushin Karate

1) Learn manner and Japanese Tradition

2) Build Basic Physical Strength

3) A.Kihon B.Unsoku (foot work) C.Utilizing Body Parts & Koshi (Lower Back to Hip)

    D. Kata (including Ido-geiko) E.Kumite (Technical practice, combinations)

極真空手の創始者、大山倍達の言葉です。Sosai Mas Oyama's 11 mottos.

座右の銘 十一箇条

一、武の道は礼にはじまり礼に終わる よって常に礼を正しくすべしIt starts with courtesy, ends with courtesy. Therefore, habit a good manner.

二、武の道の探究は断崖をよじ登るがごとし 休むことなく精進すべしThe pursuit of the path of martial arts is like climbing a cliff. One must work hard without rest.

三、武の道においてはすべて先手あり しかれども私闘なしIn the way of martial arts, it could be the first to attack, but there is no personal fighting.

四、武の道においても金銭は貴いものなり しかれども執着すべからずMoney is a precious commodity in the martial arts, but you should not become attached to it.

五、武の道は姿なり 何事においても常に姿を正しくすべし。The way of the martial arts is appearance. You should always maintain proper posture all the time.

六、武の道においては千日を初心とし 万日をもって極とす。In the way of martial arts, one thousand days is the entrance, and ten thousand days is the achievement.

七、武の道における自己反省は、常に練達への機会なり。Self-reflection in the way of the martial arts is always an opportunity to be a master.

八、武の道は宇のためにあるものなり 修練にて私心を忘れるべし。The way of martial arts is for benefitting others; you must forget your selfishness through training.

九、武の道においては点を起とし、円を終とす 線はこれに附随するものなり。In the way of martial arts, start with a point and end by a circle, and lines are merely an adjunct to this.

十、武の道において真の極意は体験にあり よって体験を恐るべからず。In the way of martial arts, the true secret lies in experience, so there is no need to fear experience.

十一、武の道において信頼と感謝は 常に豊かなる収穫を得ることを忘るべからず。In the way of the martial arts, we must never forget that trust and gratitude always bring rich harvests.